Helping you Navigate the Next Chapter
Well done! You have reached the point in your life that you thought would never come. The saying is so true "the days are long, but the years are short". The kids have all flown the nest and you now find an abundance of time. You may be enjoying your new found freedom, but when you are alone, you may find yourself asking the following:
What's next?
How will I fill my day?
I don't have any direction or schedule anymore.
Can I go back to work? How do I know if I am still employable?
Without my children, I feel lost with no sense of joy or purpose.
Allow me to help navigate alongside you and begin to plan your Next Chapter. This is an exciting time and I want you to FEEL ALIVE, FREE, and FULL of OPTIONS!
By allowing yourself to be guided, you can expect to see the following results:
A renewed sense of Self
A Roadmap for What's Next
Peace of mind
Purpose and Direction
I work with individuals and groups in my office, on the phone, or via web-based conferencing.
Let's get started! I look forward to hearing from you.
Laura Lawrence Wilcock